Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is a concept I have studied in the past, but never really felt that I had a significant role in teaching and encouraging good citizenship. As a fairly traditional math teacher, my classroom rarely involved online activities. This coming year there are three things changing in my classroom that alter my position in this regard. First, one-to-one technology. Every student in my class will now have a Chromebook, and I will be expected to take advantage of that fact. This means I will have to find ways to incorporate this technology in my class. Second, one of my courses will be taught in a blended format. This means that beyond just the occasional online activity, my class will be spending time in virtual environments, and producing, editing, and consuming digital content. Lastly, I plan to incorporate an aspect of social networking (Facebook Messenger) into my classes. All of these changes mean that I need to ensure, if for no other reason than classroom management, that my students understand what it means to be a good citizen while in a digital environment.

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