Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pencil labs

So the most recent thing I've done for my class is watch the following video from

I think it is an interesting video, but obviously a few years old. I think that at this point in history, you probably don't have too many districts that need to be convinced of the need for email... But, there was a comment made at the beginning of the film I found very interesting. The principal states at the very beginning of the film that they wanted technology available to kids, but not in the form of a computer lab because "you wouldn't have a pencil lab." What a great idea. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the money and training were available to teachers to have enough computers in every classroom and the knowledge and insight as to how to best use them... Maybe Pres. Obama's ed-tech money will take us a little closer to this place.


  1. This is a good video. Computers in a classroom really makes a difference in the interest level of students. Teachers that use all the computer tools such as large display projectors or white board keep the student interest at a high level. I've been in alot of classrooms but I still do not see a very high computer use among the teachers. In fact I know of a large school district that hired in a curriculum director and he won't use computers in his workshops. I hope that you continue with your blogs after this course is over because I like your ideas.

  2. Thank you. I kinda like posting on the blog. We'll see what happens when the course ends.
